Business Studies BTEC
Subject Leader: Ms Emily Strutt
Exam Board: EDEXCEL
Coursework: 75% coursework portfolio
25% terminal examination
Business Studies BTEC
This course is assessed through 4 units, each counting for 1/4 of your final grade. Three of the assignments are set by the department which means we can make them relevant to you; about businesses that you know and understand.
There is one exam in this course and your work starts counting towards your final grade from day one.
A Pass grade will be the equivalent to a C grades at GCSE, a Merit will be the equivalent to a B grade, a Distinction will be the equivalent to an A grade and Distinction + is the equivalent to an A*.
What will I study?
The first unit is a general introduction to business. We will look at a range of different organisations focusing on what they do, why they exist and how they are formed.
This is a great course for people who like practical work, who consistently work hard, who like being assessed in different ways and who like to work as a group but also have the ability to complete coursework on their own.
The key word in this course is ‘application’ you will need to take everything you learn in lessons and use it to explain what happens in real business situations. You will need to be creative, making presentations, teaching lessons and producing written work that is more than just an essay.
Where can it lead me?
BTEC National Business at 6th Form Level and there are also strong links with geography, politics, government and leisure and tourism.
How will I learn?
The business studies department works exceptionally hard to appeal to all learning styles. Lessons will include group work, role plays, discussion, sound, video and most important of all, the chance to be creative at every possible opportunity.