Good attendance is important for children to achieve the best outcomes in school. There is research to show that there is a correlation between attendance and exam results. Children should come to school every day unless they are too ill. Where a child's absence becomes an issue, due to illness, the school will ask for evidence from a medical practitioner before they condone the absence.
Where there is evidence of significant medical reasons affecting their attendance the school will do its best to support learning until the child is well enough to return to school.
Where parents want to take their child(ren) out of school during term, the parent must apply to the school in advance. Leave can only be approved for exceptional circumstances. Family holidays, weddings and family get-togethers are not exceptional circumstances according to the regulations.
Where leave has not been granted by the school the family could be fined by the Local Authority. The penalty is a set amount per child, per parent.
I have included a letter explaining current position regarding absence, our Attendance Policy and a poster showing individual roles and their responsibility regarding attendance.
Attendance Post-Covid
Attendance at Campion has started to rise significantly since the end of the lockdowns. Since 2021-2022, the overall attendance has risen by 4% and certain groups have attendance that has risen by 11%.
Key Post Covid actions
- All pupils and families will be informed and explained the importance of good school attendance through regular school contact - this includes letters, phone calls, assemblies and 1:1 family support
- All pupils who are absent will be phoned on the morning of their absence
- Campion School has increased the support it receives from Warwickshire attendance services in order to support families and individual pupils
- Alongside WAS, we will be setting regular targets and issuing and reviewing targets - these can lead to fines
- Regularly awarding pupils for high attendance in assemblies
- Home visits - we will be visiting pupils who are not meeting the required standard of attendance at home. Attendance officers and senior leads do this weekly
Impact - Feb 2023
- Attendance for all pupil groups has risen since 2021-2022
- There has been a 4% rise in Y7-11 attendance since last year
- There has been a 4.2% rise in the attendance of pupils eligible for free school meals
- Other groups of pupils have seen an 11% rise and 9% rise