Travel and Tourism
This course is assessed through three units which are used to calculate and award your final grade. All three units set by the exam board aim to develop knowledge into the aims and types of travel and tourism organisations, the use of market research to identify trends, and factors that influence global travel and tourism.
There is one exam and two controlled assessments in this course, meaning that your work starts counting towards your final grade from day one.
What will I study?
Component 1 – Travel and Tourism Organisations and Destinations
(Controlled Assessment)
Students will investigate travel and tourism organisations in the UK, their ownership, aims, key products and services, and how they work together. It will provide the opportunity to explore the role of different consumer technologies within the travel and tourism industry.
Students will understand the different types of tourism and different types of visitor, and will investigate the features of and routes to
popular tourist destinations in the UK and beyond.
Component 2 – Customer Needs in Travel and Tourism
(Controlled Assessment)
Students will investigate how organisations use market research to identify travel and tourism trends and identify customer needs and preferences. It will provide the opportunity to apply their
understanding by exploring how specific needs are met by
organisations and how travel planning meets customer needs and preferences by planning a holiday for a specified customer.
Component 3 — Influences on Global Travel and Tourism
(External Exam)
Students will explore the different factors that may influence global travel and tourism, and how travel and tourism organisations and
destinations respond to these factors. This unit provides the
opportunity to examine the potential impacts of tourism at global
destinations and how destinations can manage the impacts of tourism and control tourism development to achieve sustainable tourism.
Over the course of your two year programme, you will be assessed through exam, controlled assessment and coursework units.
The exam unit (Unit 1) will be assessed in Year 12 and is externally assessed. This will consist of short-to-long answer questions based on content you will learn at the start of the academic year. You will sit the written examination in January which will be a 1 hour 30 minute assessment. Total marks for this assessment is 75 marks.
The controlled assessment unit (Unit 2) will also be assessed in Year 13 and is externally assessed. This will comprise of a set task that is marked by the exam board, and will be completed under exam conditions. You will be given information in the form of a pre-release two weeks before the assessment period in order to carry out research. This research can then be taken into the supervised assessment to support you. The supervised assessment period is undertaken in a single session of three hours. You will sit the supervised assessment in May/June. The total marks for this assessment is 60 marks.
The remaining four units of work will be assessed in Year 12 (Unit 4 and Unit 9) and Year 13 (Unit 5 and Unit 6) and are internally assessed. They do not require external examinations that you will have to sit but rather you will be continually assessed throughout tasks that will make up the larger unit assessment. Each of these units has specific assessment and grading criteria that are used for grading purposes.