Subject Content at Key Stage 4
Eduqas Music GCSE
Throughout this course students will be given the opportunity to create a portfolio of solo and ensemble performances as well as compositions that explore various styles and trends within the specification. Students can realise their compositions using live instruments or can opt to produce them using music technology software. Here we go in-depth into some of the theory behind music in the following contexts:
- Rock and Pop
- Film Music
- Jazz and Blues
- Musical Theatre
- The development of Music over time.
Edexcel Pearson BTEC Level 1 / 2 Music
A vocational and practical approach to learning more in depth about music. During this course students hone their skills in several key areas such as performing, composing and organising a concert or product. We also take an in depth look into The Music Business where we explore who does what in the music industry and how the job roles inter-relate.
Subject Content at Key Stage 5
Edexcel A Level Music
Detailed exploration of music in the key areas from music history. Students will be expected to go into a much more detailed analysis regarding the set works. Music theory is taken further from GCSE as well as the performing and composition levels.
Topics include:
- Film Music
- Pop, Rock and Jazz
- Instrumental Music
- Fusions
- Vocal Music
BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Performance
Students who wish to concentrate heavily on performing skills will choose this subject. Here pupils get to improve skills in improvisation, performing, sight reading, aural skill as well as working with music technology. Topics are practical and based on real life scenarios such as preparing an audition tape, conducting radio interviews, teaching music within the community etc. There are many subject areas and the student can choose which skills they would like to develop or improve upon.
Edexcel GCSE Music Specification: http://www.edexcel.com/quals/gcse/gcse09/music/Pages/default.aspx
Emily Prior – Music Subject Leader